Sunday, September 15, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Paper Essay

Poe’s Writes his writing based on his real life, and makes it shocking, scary just like how his life was. His life leads him to write his literature like horror, scary, and more. Poe was alone after his mother death. He wrote a poem named â€Å"Alone† that he wrote related to how he felt he was alone. Poe didn’t like his foster father, and didn’t get along with him. He wanted revenge on his foster father. A letter that he wrote to John Allan called â€Å"Letter to John Allan† That letter described how he felt about his foster father. All the literature he wrote was related to his own life experience. In Poe’s literature he has always one character that dies at the end. Poe always thought that his foster father insulted him a lot. He wrote a story name â€Å"The Cask of the Amontillado† which was similar to how he felt about his foster father. That story was about two persons, and one of them thought that the other insulted him, so he w anted revenge. That was the same thing that Poe wanted to do to his foster father. The death of Poe’s mother really impacted his life, and his writing. In the poem â€Å"Alone† he wrote that â€Å"From childhood’s hour I have not been as other were†¦.† That meant that he didn’t had the childhood like others had. Most children’s have parents but he didn’t he was alone by himself. His life was full of tragedy, so was his literature. For example the poem â€Å"Alone† that he wrote had this â€Å"Then in my childhood in the dawn of a most stormy life†¦.† That meant he has a life full of tragedy, and his life was very hard staring from childhood. Edgar Allan Poe’s life was one of many sorrows and difficulties, filled with death of close family members and many broken loves. Poe wanted a revenge on his foster father. He wrote a letter to him that described how he felt about him. Poe didn’t get along with his foster father because he thought John Allan was loose, and John Allan didn’t leave a penny for Poe before John Allan’s died. In the letter he wrote â€Å"Send me I entreat you some money immediately, as I am in the greatest†¦.† That line meant he wanted some money, he was asking for money from him. The letter that he wrote he showed no shame because he thought he deserved it for what John Allan said about him. For example in the letter he says â€Å"Again, I have heard you say (when you little thought I was listening†¦.† That line in the letter meant he has overheard John Allan say that â€Å"he meant nothing to him.† Poe’s foster father, John Allan was always insulting Poe. Poe had overheard him many times insulting him, so Poe wanted revenge, and didn’t care about the injuries John Allan had made. Poe’s story â€Å"The Cask of the Amontillado† is the best example of Poe thinking John Allan was insulting him, and Poe wanting revenge. In the story he wrote this quote â€Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult†¦Ã¢â‚¬  That quote meant that Montresore wants a revenge, not for his injuries but for the insult, which was the same thing Poe wanted to do to John Allan. This story was related to wines; Poe was a man who drank a lot. In â€Å"The Cask of the Amontillado† Fortunato was the man that drinks a lot, which you could describe as Poe because Poe had a lot of tenses in life that made him start drinking, just like Fortunato. In conclusion, Poe’s writes his writing based on his real life and makes it shocking, scary like how his life was. His life leads him to write his literature like scary, horror, and more. The three main reasons that Poe wrote his writing like that were death of his mother; he wanted a revenge on his foster father, and his foster father insulting him. Poe’s life was full of tragedy, and so was his literature. Overall Poe’s real life really made a big impact on his literature.

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